Nov 7, 2017
Be. Here. Now. That’s "A Dog’s Purpose"
******* SPOILER ALERT! ********* "What is the meaning of life? Are we here for a reason? Is there a point to any of this?" This movie...

Sep 15, 2017
Have You Lost Your Best Friend? Loss/Support Group Meetings
Have you lost your best friend? We understand. It doesn't matter how long ago your beloved friend passed, it can hurt terribly. Seattle...

Sep 5, 2017
Seattle Pup Spotlight: You Can Make a Difference
"You Can Make a Difference: Sharing Life’s Final Moments with Buddy" by Jeffrey Brooks Seattle Pup Magazine's September Spotlight is...

Aug 24, 2017
Stay Connected to Seattle Pup Magazine!
Stay connected to Seattle Pup Magazine! Get updates about upcoming events and info on where the dog parks are! Awesome pics of pups are...

Aug 1, 2017
Stay Connected to Seattle Pup Magazine!
Stay connected to Seattle Pup Magazine! Get updates about upcoming events and info on where the dog parks are! Awesome pics of pups are...

Jun 5, 2017
Seattle Pup's got a New Logo!
The Seattle Pup Spotlight this month is our new logo created by artist Shannon Lee Gilmour. Our heart is in the center of Seattle. The...

May 10, 2017
NEW Dog Park! Thanks Amazon!
NEW DOG PARK coming to Seattle Thank you Amazon! Neighborhood company Amazon is putting the finishing touches on their Seattle Downtown...

Apr 11, 2017
Save the DATE! Seattle Pet Expo 6/3-6/4/2017
Seattle Pup is proud to be part of the Seattle Pet Expo! SAVE the Dates JUNE 3-4, 2017 (Saturday & Sunday) to join us at the Washington...

Oct 15, 2016
Seattle pups get dressed up! Seattle Belltown Dog-O-Ween
Join other Seattle pups at the Dog-o-Ween event in Belltown next weekend! SeattleCOLA a local dog park advocacy group will be there too! ...