Aug 23, 2018
Puppies & Pints at Travour (Tukwila) Fundraiser for Homeward Pet
This SaturdayWith fresh air and good weather on the way let's raise our glasses and some money for a great cause! Join Tavour for their...

Jul 26, 2018
OMD! (Oh my DOG): Woof! From Oscar
Hi! My name is Oscar. I’m a happy 8-year-old Bohuahua (pronounced Ba-wa-wa). A custom breed from Boston Terrier and Chihuahua parents. I...

Jul 3, 2018
We Love Rescues! Double J Dog Ranch
Double J Dog Ranch: A Sanctuary for Dogs with Special Needs What do you think of when you hear the words "special needs?" Is it...

Jun 30, 2018
Dog Days and Dog Stars
For hundreds of years, the hottest days of summer, usually from early July to mid-August in the Northern Hemisphere, have been known as...

Jun 21, 2018
Dr. Clare Foley Joins Seattle Pup Magazine
We are happy to introduce Dr. Clare Foley, the newest member of the Seattle Pup Pack. Her column, "Ask the Vet" begins in July! Dr....

May 8, 2018
Pug Gala! We Love PUGS! June 9, 2018
Join Seattle Pug Rescue at the PUG Gala! #dogevent #pugs #seattledog #seattledogevent

![But . . . but It’s [Not] Just a Dog!](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/898544_9cfd9ab776814b34ba96e520427e0c75~mv2_d_4368_2912_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_265,h_199,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/898544_9cfd9ab776814b34ba96e520427e0c75~mv2_d_4368_2912_s_4_2.webp)
Apr 2, 2018
But . . . but It’s [Not] Just a Dog!
Trigger warning. This article discusses the death of a beloved pet. Seattle Pup Magazine understands how difficult it is to lose a member...

Mar 23, 2018
Lincoln Visits Seattle!
"Lincoln, my tail's wagging! I am so glad you enjoyed your trip. You are welcome anytime. I hope you come back soon so we can meet up at...

Jan 25, 2018
Sleepy Dog: Whatcha' Dreaming About?
Dream Dog Dream! All of us have watched out precious canine companions while they sleep. Their paws curl up or bolt forward, they growl,...

Dec 14, 2017
Have You Lost Your Best Friend? Loss/Support Group Meetings
Have you lost your best friend? We understand. It doesn't matter how long ago your beloved friend passed, it can hurt terribly. Seattle...