Aug 31, 2017
Save the Date Seattle Pup at the Sea-Tac Pet Con June 2 & 3, 2018
Save the Date for the Seattle Tacoma Pet Con at the Washington State Fairgrounds! June 2 & 3, 2018! (Saturday & Sunday). FREE! DOG &...

Aug 28, 2017
Seattle Pup supports Austin Pets Alive (Hurricane Harvey Relief)
Over here at Seattle Pup Magazine we are thinking of all of our animal friends and their owners after Hurricane Harvey. With this in...

Aug 25, 2017
URGENT NOTICE: Make sure your pup's rabies shot is up-to-date!
URGENT NOTICE: Seattle Pup Magazine would like to encourage all dog (and other animal owners) to take a minute and make sure their pets'...
Aug 1, 2017
Take Your Pup to the Pictures! Summer MOVIE NIGHTS!
All of these movies are DOG-Friendly! All dogs must be on a leash. August August 2 (Wed) “Sing” Outdoor Movie at Marymoore $5.00 (Cash)...
Jul 25, 2017
Take Your Pup to the Pictures! Summer MOVIE NIGHTS!
All of these movies are DOG-Friendly! All dogs must be on a leash. July July 26 (Wed) “Hidden Figures” Outdoor Theater at Marymoore ...

Jul 14, 2017
Seattle Pup Camp Songs for Dogs and Kids of All Ages!
Enjoy the outdoors and your road trips this summer by singing Seattle Pup Camp Songs! Instead of the "Hokey Pokey" you can sing the...
Jul 11, 2017
Take Your Pup to the Pictures! Summer MOVIE NIGHTS!
All of these movies are DOG-Friendly! All dogs must be on a leash. July July 12, 2017 “La La Land” Outdoor Theater at Marymoore $5.00...

Jul 2, 2017
More Pics from the Seattle Tacoma Pet Con
Tracy Stober and Azusa Tanaka at the Seattle Tacoma Pet Con 2017! Did you want to sign up for our newsletter? Contact Seattle Pup!...

Jun 26, 2017
Seattle Pup at the SeaTac pet con 2017!!
Seattle Pup had a YIP, YAP, HOWLIN' Good time at the Seattle-Tacoma Pet Con at the Washington State Fairgrounds! We met thousands of...

Jun 21, 2017
Join Seattle Pup at the Sea-Tac Pet Con 6/24-6/25/2017
Bring the whole family! Get Ready for Seattle Tacoma Pet Con this weekend! Seattle Pup is proud to be part of the Seattle-Tacoma Pet Con...