Mar 23, 2018
Lincoln Visits Seattle!
"Lincoln, my tail's wagging! I am so glad you enjoyed your trip. You are welcome anytime. I hope you come back soon so we can meet up at...

Feb 21, 2018
Dog Park Etiquette 101: Tips for a Great Trip!
Got a pup? Never been to a dog park? No fear Seattle Pup is here! Here are a few of our tips for a great trip! Train your pup to come to...

Jan 25, 2018
Sleepy Dog: Whatcha' Dreaming About?
Dream Dog Dream! All of us have watched out precious canine companions while they sleep. Their paws curl up or bolt forward, they growl,...

Dec 31, 2017
Seattle Pup Magazine Announces Writers' Workshop
Do you dream of becoming a writer? Do you like magazines and wonder how in the world people get their stuff published? Well, you have...

Dec 14, 2017
Have You Lost Your Best Friend? Loss/Support Group Meetings
Have you lost your best friend? We understand. It doesn't matter how long ago your beloved friend passed, it can hurt terribly. Seattle...

Dec 7, 2017
Having Fun, A Dog's Life -Charlie Chaplin
Just having some ol' fashioned fun watching "A Dog's Life"! #dogmovie #blackandwhite #dog #pup #seattlepupmagazine

Sep 4, 2017
Pup events in September
Got pups? Fall is a great time to get outside with your pup! Here are just a few of the events happening in September! For more...

Aug 25, 2017
URGENT NOTICE: Make sure your pup's rabies shot is up-to-date!
URGENT NOTICE: Seattle Pup Magazine would like to encourage all dog (and other animal owners) to take a minute and make sure their pets'...

Aug 17, 2017
Seattle Pup Movie Review: K-9 Pup Star Lightnin' in 1926 Silent Movie "Speed"
Over here at Seattle Pup Magazine we love DOGS, HISTORY, and MOVIES! Our goal is to review all the movies with dogs in them and are there...

Jul 14, 2017
Seattle Pup Camp Songs for Dogs and Kids of All Ages!
Enjoy the outdoors and your road trips this summer by singing Seattle Pup Camp Songs! Instead of the "Hokey Pokey" you can sing the...