May 7, 2019
Dear Lucy, "My Humans Are in School, What Do I Do?"
Dear Lucy, I love my owners, but they are never all home to play. Everyday they go away with their backpacks for something called...

Sep 14, 2018
Rain? That means it's MOVIE time! "Pick of the Litter" Opens Tonight at Uptown!
It's raining and that means it is time for a MOVIE! The stakes are high and not every dog makes the cut. Pick of the Litter follows a...

Aug 5, 2018
Get Ready to Rumble! SPOTLIGHT: Brox
Get Ready to Rumble! Brox is an 8-year-old pure standard poodle. His humans, Jon and Cory, adopted him 3 years ago, when his previous...

Jul 26, 2018
OMD! (Oh my DOG): Woof! From Oscar
Hi! My name is Oscar. I’m a happy 8-year-old Bohuahua (pronounced Ba-wa-wa). A custom breed from Boston Terrier and Chihuahua parents. I...

Jul 18, 2018
Seattle Pup Kids Camp Songs: Let's Do the "Husky Puppy"
We love coming up with alternatives to the favorites. Hokey Pokey? Nah, we want to sing the "Husky Puppy!" Check out the lyrics below...

Jul 17, 2018
Seattle Pup Kids Camp Songs: I'm Bringing Home a.... Beagle Puppy!
We love coming up with alternatives to the favorites. We'd much rather bring home a beagle puppy than a bumble bee! Check out the...

Jun 30, 2018
Dog Days and Dog Stars
For hundreds of years, the hottest days of summer, usually from early July to mid-August in the Northern Hemisphere, have been known as...

Apr 18, 2018
Seattle Pup SPOTlight: Sweet Boy Troy!
This week we are are SPOTlighting a super sweet boy by the name of TROY! Troy is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He is also the local canine...

Apr 5, 2018
Min-Pin is Missing in Madrona!
COOPER is MISSING! Call 512-914-9311 with any information. Missing Cooper was last seen at 28th E and E Helen in Madison Valley with...

Feb 21, 2018
Dog Park Etiquette 101: Tips for a Great Trip!
Got a pup? Never been to a dog park? No fear Seattle Pup is here! Here are a few of our tips for a great trip! Train your pup to come to...