Oct 2, 2018
Watch a Film with Fido! New York Dog Film Festival in Seattle! Oct 7 and 14th!
Take your pup to the pictures! The movies are going to the dogs and that is the way we like it! The New York Dog Film Festival is coming...

Sep 14, 2018
Rain? That means it's MOVIE time! "Pick of the Litter" Opens Tonight at Uptown!
It's raining and that means it is time for a MOVIE! The stakes are high and not every dog makes the cut. Pick of the Litter follows a...

Aug 13, 2018
Sony Pictures: "Alpha" Complimentary Tickets (Location: Seattle)
Over here at Seattle Pup Magazine we are happy to report that SONY Pictures has given our readers complimentary tickets for an amazing,...

Aug 8, 2018
Seattle Pup Review: "Alpha"... A Compelling, Visually Stunning, Dog Tale
Alpha Directed by Albert Hughes Produced by Albert Hughes and Andrew Rona Sony Pictures What can be said about the relationship between...

Aug 5, 2018
Sony Pictures: "Alpha" Screening --FREE (Location: Seattle)
Sony Pictures has shared screening tickets with Seattle Pup Magazine, and we would like to share these tickets with our readers. If you...

Jan 17, 2018
Seattle Pup Kids Movie Review: Beverly Hills Chihuahua II
Seattle Pup Kids give Beverly Hills Chihuahua II (2011) all four paws! We loved it and think you would too! Seattle Pup Kids Noah...

Dec 7, 2017
Having Fun, A Dog's Life -Charlie Chaplin
Just having some ol' fashioned fun watching "A Dog's Life"! #dogmovie #blackandwhite #dog #pup #seattlepupmagazine
Nov 7, 2017
Be. Here. Now. That’s "A Dog’s Purpose"
******* SPOILER ALERT! ********* "What is the meaning of life? Are we here for a reason? Is there a point to any of this?" This movie...

Aug 17, 2017
Seattle Pup Movie Review: K-9 Pup Star Lightnin' in 1926 Silent Movie "Speed"
Over here at Seattle Pup Magazine we love DOGS, HISTORY, and MOVIES! Our goal is to review all the movies with dogs in them and are there...
Aug 1, 2017
Take Your Pup to the Pictures! Summer MOVIE NIGHTS!
All of these movies are DOG-Friendly! All dogs must be on a leash. August August 2 (Wed) “Sing” Outdoor Movie at Marymoore $5.00 (Cash)...