Jul 11, 2018
Got Dog? Need Dog Park? We got a MAP for that!
WOOF! This notice goes out to all DOGS! Washington state dogs, Seattle Dogs, and all of the dogs living in and visiting the Pacific...

Feb 21, 2018
Dog Park Etiquette 101: Tips for a Great Trip!
Got a pup? Never been to a dog park? No fear Seattle Pup is here! Here are a few of our tips for a great trip! Train your pup to come to...

Jan 25, 2018
Sleepy Dog: Whatcha' Dreaming About?
Dream Dog Dream! All of us have watched out precious canine companions while they sleep. Their paws curl up or bolt forward, they growl,...

Jul 4, 2017
Did Someone Say DOG PARK? Seattle Pup is adding more to the MAP!
Did Someone Say DOG PARK? Over there at Seattle Pup we are sniffing out as many dog parks as we can find! It’s late tonight but we are...

Jun 5, 2017
Seattle Pup's got a New Logo!
The Seattle Pup Spotlight this month is our new logo created by artist Shannon Lee Gilmour. Our heart is in the center of Seattle. The...

May 10, 2017
NEW Dog Park! Thanks Amazon!
NEW DOG PARK coming to Seattle Thank you Amazon! Neighborhood company Amazon is putting the finishing touches on their Seattle Downtown...