Jun 11, 2019
SPOTLIGHT! Seattle Dogs Homeless Program
We sat down the other day with Lora and her adorable pup Dominique to chat about her dog-centric nonprofit, the Seattle Dogs Homeless...

Aug 30, 2018
Love to Walk or Run? or Just Hang Out? Wag. Love. Life! 5K (Free Registrations Available)
Everyone can BARK-TICIPATE in the "Live Love Life 5K Walk and Run!" The Canine Cancer Research Alliance has shared 25 registrations with...

Jul 13, 2018
Pups Had a Grand Ol' Time at Poochapaloosa (Marysville)
GET OUT AND ENJOY THAT SEATTLE SUNSHINE! Last weekend we made our way up to Marysville for the 12th annual Poochapaloosa and it was worth...

Apr 16, 2018
Woof! Who Let the Dogs OUT? Weekend Events
Friday April 20: Friday Furball for Kids! Seattle Humane Society Event Saturday April 21: Tulip Ride for Seattle Humane Old Dog Haven...