Jan 25, 2018
Sleepy Dog: Whatcha' Dreaming About?
Dream Dog Dream! All of us have watched out precious canine companions while they sleep. Their paws curl up or bolt forward, they growl,...

Dec 7, 2017
Having Fun, A Dog's Life -Charlie Chaplin
Just having some ol' fashioned fun watching "A Dog's Life"! #dogmovie #blackandwhite #dog #pup #seattlepupmagazine

Sep 4, 2017
Pup events in September
Got pups? Fall is a great time to get outside with your pup! Here are just a few of the events happening in September! For more...

Aug 24, 2017
Stay Connected to Seattle Pup Magazine!
Stay connected to Seattle Pup Magazine! Get updates about upcoming events and info on where the dog parks are! Awesome pics of pups are...

Aug 1, 2017
Stay Connected to Seattle Pup Magazine!
Stay connected to Seattle Pup Magazine! Get updates about upcoming events and info on where the dog parks are! Awesome pics of pups are...

Jul 5, 2017
Dogs have questions . . . Lucy has answers!
DOGS have QUESTIONS. LUCY has ANSWERS! Check out the Seattle Pup "Dear Lucy" Column. This week's dogs, Moxie and Sabrina, have...

Jul 4, 2017
Did Someone Say DOG PARK? Seattle Pup is adding more to the MAP!
Did Someone Say DOG PARK? Over there at Seattle Pup we are sniffing out as many dog parks as we can find! It’s late tonight but we are...

Apr 11, 2017
Save the DATE! Seattle Pet Expo 6/3-6/4/2017
Seattle Pup is proud to be part of the Seattle Pet Expo! SAVE the Dates JUNE 3-4, 2017 (Saturday & Sunday) to join us at the Washington...

Oct 17, 2016
Seattle Pup: Haunted Puppy Town Costume Contest!
Happy Halloween! Get dressed up with your pup and join Cascade Kennels in Woodinville (20005 178th Avenue N.E.) for the Haunted Puppy...