Aug 13, 2018
Sony Pictures: "Alpha" Complimentary Tickets (Location: Seattle)
Over here at Seattle Pup Magazine we are happy to report that SONY Pictures has given our readers complimentary tickets for an amazing,...

Aug 8, 2018
Seattle Pup Review: "Alpha"... A Compelling, Visually Stunning, Dog Tale
Alpha Directed by Albert Hughes Produced by Albert Hughes and Andrew Rona Sony Pictures What can be said about the relationship between...

Aug 5, 2018
Sony Pictures: "Alpha" Screening --FREE (Location: Seattle)
Sony Pictures has shared screening tickets with Seattle Pup Magazine, and we would like to share these tickets with our readers. If you...

Jul 26, 2018
OMD! (Oh my DOG): Woof! From Oscar
Hi! My name is Oscar. I’m a happy 8-year-old Bohuahua (pronounced Ba-wa-wa). A custom breed from Boston Terrier and Chihuahua parents. I...

Jul 18, 2018
Seattle Pup Kids Camp Songs: Let's Do the "Husky Puppy"
We love coming up with alternatives to the favorites. Hokey Pokey? Nah, we want to sing the "Husky Puppy!" Check out the lyrics below...

Jul 17, 2018
Seattle Pup Kids Camp Songs: I'm Bringing Home a.... Beagle Puppy!
We love coming up with alternatives to the favorites. We'd much rather bring home a beagle puppy than a bumble bee! Check out the...

Jun 30, 2018
Dog Days and Dog Stars
For hundreds of years, the hottest days of summer, usually from early July to mid-August in the Northern Hemisphere, have been known as...

Jun 21, 2018
Dr. Clare Foley Joins Seattle Pup Magazine
We are happy to introduce Dr. Clare Foley, the newest member of the Seattle Pup Pack. Her column, "Ask the Vet" begins in July! Dr....

Jun 20, 2018
Bark! Morgan Junction (West Seattle) Summer Festival Fun!
We love promoting, participating in, and covering local dog-friendly events! This last Saturday we joined in the fun at the Morgan...

Apr 16, 2018
Woof! Who Let the Dogs OUT? Weekend Events
Friday April 20: Friday Furball for Kids! Seattle Humane Society Event Saturday April 21: Tulip Ride for Seattle Humane Old Dog Haven...