Aug 17, 2017
Seattle Pup Movie Review: K-9 Pup Star Lightnin' in 1926 Silent Movie "Speed"
Over here at Seattle Pup Magazine we love DOGS, HISTORY, and MOVIES! Our goal is to review all the movies with dogs in them and are there...

Aug 1, 2017
Stay Connected to Seattle Pup Magazine!
Stay connected to Seattle Pup Magazine! Get updates about upcoming events and info on where the dog parks are! Awesome pics of pups are...
Aug 1, 2017
Take Your Pup to the Pictures! Summer MOVIE NIGHTS!
All of these movies are DOG-Friendly! All dogs must be on a leash. August August 2 (Wed) “Sing” Outdoor Movie at Marymoore $5.00 (Cash)...
Jul 25, 2017
Take Your Pup to the Pictures! Summer MOVIE NIGHTS!
All of these movies are DOG-Friendly! All dogs must be on a leash. July July 26 (Wed) “Hidden Figures” Outdoor Theater at Marymoore ...

Jul 14, 2017
Seattle Pup Camp Songs for Dogs and Kids of All Ages!
Enjoy the outdoors and your road trips this summer by singing Seattle Pup Camp Songs! Instead of the "Hokey Pokey" you can sing the...
Jul 11, 2017
Take Your Pup to the Pictures! Summer MOVIE NIGHTS!
All of these movies are DOG-Friendly! All dogs must be on a leash. July July 12, 2017 “La La Land” Outdoor Theater at Marymoore $5.00...

Jul 10, 2017
Stay Connected to Seattle Pup Magazine!
Stay connected to Seattle Pup Magazine! Get updates about upcoming events and info on where the dog parks are! Awesome pics of pups are...

Jul 5, 2017
Dogs have questions . . . Lucy has answers!
DOGS have QUESTIONS. LUCY has ANSWERS! Check out the Seattle Pup "Dear Lucy" Column. This week's dogs, Moxie and Sabrina, have...

Jul 4, 2017
Did Someone Say DOG PARK? Seattle Pup is adding more to the MAP!
Did Someone Say DOG PARK? Over there at Seattle Pup we are sniffing out as many dog parks as we can find! It’s late tonight but we are...

Jul 2, 2017
More Pics from the Seattle Tacoma Pet Con
Tracy Stober and Azusa Tanaka at the Seattle Tacoma Pet Con 2017! Did you want to sign up for our newsletter? Contact Seattle Pup!...