Oct 27, 2016
Seattle Pup Halloween Special: Werewolves
All Hallow's Eve is approaching and will fall on the day after the new moon this year, which is good news for those of us who do not want...
Oct 25, 2016
Seattle Pup: Ghost Dogs of the Northwest
A prickly sensation overcomes me, and my skin pops with goosebumps. Seriously now . . . what was that? A distant howl floats over the...
Oct 24, 2016
Seattle Pup: Dream Dog Dream
All of us have watched our precious companions while they sleep. Their paws curl up or bolt out straight forward as they fall into...

Oct 19, 2016
Seattle Pup of the Week: Say Hello to "Roxie!"
Meet Roxie! "This is our little princess!" say her human companions. Roxie is a Yorkie and she is 11 years old and lives in Bellevue! ...

Oct 17, 2016
Seattle Pup: Haunted Puppy Town Costume Contest!
Happy Halloween! Get dressed up with your pup and join Cascade Kennels in Woodinville (20005 178th Avenue N.E.) for the Haunted Puppy...

Oct 15, 2016
Seattle pups get dressed up! Seattle Belltown Dog-O-Ween
Join other Seattle pups at the Dog-o-Ween event in Belltown next weekend! SeattleCOLA a local dog park advocacy group will be there too! ...

Oct 14, 2016
Seattle Pup: WOOF! WOOF! Walk (Spanaway) 10/23 (Sat) 9am!
October is here and over in Spanaway they are gonna' have a howl of great time with the WOOF! WOOF! Walk! Everyone is welcome! The walk...
Oct 13, 2016
Seattle Pup Spotlight: Old Dog Haven
Seattle Pup would like to spotlight Old Dog Haven. Old Dog Haven specializes in finding homes and hospice for older dogs and Seattle area...
Oct 5, 2016
Seattle Pup Kids: Reading with Rover
We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Reading with Rover. Reading with Rover is an awesome group that visits local libraries. They bring their dogs...
Sep 8, 2016
The Eyes Have It!
It is very important to care for your pups vision. To keep your pups peepers in pristine condition it is best to preempt potential...