Seattle Pup is on point searching for local Northwest writers. Would you like to write for Seattle Pup? Our mission is to SPOT light authors new to the publishing world. Send us a writing sample, we would love to hear from you!
Writers of all ages are encouraged to submit writing samples. Samples should be no longer than 1500 words (approximately 4 pages, 12 point font, double-spaced). This is a volunteer opportunity. Writers can submit articles, blog posts, poetry, and short stories.
Work will be vetted and once accepted will go through a series of editing prior to publication.
Seattle Pup is produced by Brindle Press, LLC. Brindle Press is a publishing company with a mission to provide community spaces for people who wish to become writers, bloggers, photographers, and graphic artists. If this is your bliss and you would like to gain the skills you need to move forward with your career, or if you would like to hone your skills and learn how to get your work published please do the following:
1: Send us an email and keep an eye out for future posts. We will be hosting free "How to Write for a Magazine" workshops starting in 2017.
2. Send writing samples, photography or graphic art samples etc along with your contact information to Seattle Pup info@seattlepup.com
3: Receive up-to-date information and subscribe to the Seattle Pup Pack News. The Seattle Pup Pack News is produced monthly.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Live. Love. Wag!