Seattle Pup Magazine would like to encourage all dog (and other animal owners) to take a minute and make sure their pets' rabies shots are up-to-date!
Rabid bats have been found in Ballard and the Greenlake neighborhoods in Seattle, for more details on these bats check out the "My Ballard Blog." Two individual bats have been found and identified.
If you believe your dog may have been near a bat please visit your vet right away.
IT IS NEVER NORMAL to see a bat on the ground (day or night).
IF YOU SEE A BAT ON THE GROUND contact animal control and visit the King County Website for details: "Bats and Rabies"

Healthy bats are amazing animals and their presence in our city indicates a healthy ecosystem.
Bats prefer to hide during the day and only come out later in the day (dusk) or at night to feed on insects. You can witness bats in their aerial habitats throughout Seattle and the Puget Sound. For more information on bats and how they improve our world visit the following websites:
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, "Living with Bats."
Defenders of Wildlife, "Bats/Fact Sheet."
Live Science, "Facts about Bats"