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Get Ready to Rumble! SPOTLIGHT: Brox

Standard Poodle with goggles and helmet near motorcycle


Get Ready to Rumble!


Brox is an 8-year-old pure standard poodle. His humans, Jon and Cory, adopted him 3 years ago, when his previous humans passed away. Brox was raised on a goat farm and loves to herd. Sometimes the other dogs at the dog park do not appreciate his desire to keep them in well-organized pods.

Brox. Standard Poodle in Motorcycle Sidecar

He is very protective of his 2 chihuahua friends (Frida and Diego) and has helped them become comfortable playing at the dog park (parks can be scary to the very small). The Westcrest Off-Leash Area is Brox’s favorite place. His humans have to spell P-A-R-K (also W-A-L-K and C-O-O-K-I-E) as he is a very smart guy.


Sit. Stay. Ride!


Brox got a sidecar rig for the holidays this past year and has been riding to local motorcycle events for the past several months. He likes the sidecar and the attention he gets when he rides, but he is still getting used to his goggles (safety first). Mainly, Brox just wants to come along when his people go somewhere. Sometimes Frida and Diego ride in the sidecar too—but the chihuahuas won’t ride without Brox.

brox in sidecar. Sidecar has a shark painted on it.

Brox is learning to sail and likes to go on short trips around Elliot Bay. His favorite part is the “boat snacks.” Brox is active and busy but he also has a soft side. One of his most favorite things in the world (besides dinner) is to cuddle on the couch for a movie with his people (popcorn is a bonus).

Jon, Cory and Borx with motorcycles


Seattle Pup Magazine had a grand ol’ time taking photos of Brox and his owners last month. All of the photos were taken at Alki Beach by Brigit Stadler of @lifeasavoyager. If you would like to be spotlighted, please send us a bio about your pup and their human(s).


© 2015-2025Seattle Pup Magazine  | 117 E. Louisa Street, #737, Seattle, Washington 98102 |

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