Every June, Vashon Island comes alive with sheep and dogs at the Sheepdog Classic hosted at Misty Isle Farms. For those of us who are urbanites, there is no need to drive over, you can easily hop a ferry and then for a small fee (last year it was $5) a school bus will pick you up and take you out to the fields.
Advance tickets are required. Tickets go on sale April 1, 2020.
New this year: Vashon Sheepdog Classic is a ZERO waste event.*

Once on the grounds the magic begins. In the distance a dog (more often than not a Border Collie resplendent in a coat of black and white) waits patiently for a signal from afar. A whistle. Sometimes the sound comes through a wooden or metal flute and other times via a human. The call comes from across the field and like a bolt of lightening the game is a foot!

Three sheep are lazily eating grass several football field lengths in the distance and within seeming seconds they are on the move together with a dog intent on listening to their owner. The dog sits and then gently suggests that the sheep go to the right, to the left, and center, in what looks like a dance.
The Vashon Island Sheepdog Classic is a professional event with competitors from around the United States and Canada.

With a delicateness seen only in a waltz, dog and caller guide the herd and perform several into a small pen, remove one particular sheep from the rest, and back again.
In addition to watching the trials, the event hosts a vendor area with wool items for sale. Spinners, weavers, and other textile artists will be in attendance.

Tickets are limited for this outstanding event. Advance tickets are required and go on sale April 1, 2020.

*Zero Waste Event
Sheepdog Classic attendees are asked to pack in and pack out their waste that cannot be composted. No single-use plastics will be sold or provided on-site. You will want to bring a refillable water bottle and your own picnic reusable supplies (silverware, plate, cloth napkin, cups). Composting services along with recycling will be strictly enforced.

**No Outside Dogs
Please note that outside dogs are not allowed to attend Sheepdog Classic. Only dogs participating in the trials and those that have been licensed for disability assistance will be allowed with signed waiver at the gate and proof of vaccination. If you are in need of assistance you will want to contact the Vashon Island Sheep Dog Classic directly. There is doggie day care available on the island during the duration of the event. For more info visit “Are Dogs Welcome” on the Sheepdog Classic website.

Photos by Brigit Stadler @lifeasavoyager
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