Photo by Tracy Stober, Seattle Pup Magazine
Seattle Pup Magazine has received a few emails from people expressing their want to add furry companions to their lives during this time. Dogs and cats and other animals can bring comfort and companionship during hard times.
If you have never adopted an animal before we encourage you to do your research and make sure you will have the time and energy available to care for your pet when you are no longer working from home. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) goes into detail about all the things you need to consider when bringing a dog into your home. The Seattle Animal Shelter also has some great resources listed check out “Deciding to Adopt.” Dogs make wonderful additions to families and we want to make sure that your pup is with you for the duration of its lifetime!

Photo by Tracy Stober, Seattle Pup Magazine
In addition to finding a puppy through a reputable breeder (we suggest reviewing the American Kennel Club for information),you may want to consider adopting a pup.
Seattle area shelters are shut down to the general public to follow the rules of social distancing and help stop the spread of the coronavirus. However, there are still many dogs in need of forever homes and several wonderful shelters have changed to both follow the rules and allow humans to adopt precious pups (and kitties and other animals in need of forever homes).
Seattle Pup Magazine lists over hundred different non-profit shelters and rescues, including breed specific rescues. If you decide to find a pet through shelters at this time, please make sure to wear masks and keep social distancing protocols in place at all times. We still do not know if the coronavirus can spread from animals to humans, but it has been documented that humans can spread the disease to cats and dogs.
According to the American Kennel Association, dogs can get other coronaviruses, for example the canine respiratory coronavirus, and a pug who goes by the name of Winston in North Carolina did test positive for Covid-19. It is not known if dogs can infect humans with the coronavirus.
Seattle Humane has been a mainstay in the city of Seattle since 1897. You read that right, Seattle Humane first started advocating for animals over 100 years ago and have been working tirelessly finding homes for animals including dogs, cats, and other small mammals like mice, hamsters, and rabbits. As of today, May 11, 2020, 11 dogs and 5 cats available for adoption. At the moment, rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats, mice, gerbils & hamsters were not listed on the website. If you are interested in these animals you will want to contact the Seattle Humane.
Adoptions are available, but you must make an appointment. Seattle Pup Magazine encourages you to visit the Seattle Humane website. You can view the puppy profiles and fill out a pre-adoption questionnaire and then staff members will contact you regarding setting up an appointment. Please note that safety protocols may cause delays. Visit “Adoption by Appointment" for details!

Seattle Animal Shelter
The Seattle Animal Shelter is run by the City of Seattle.
The public-facing office has been closed to help protect employees and the public, but that has not stopped adoptions from taking place. The Seattle Animal Shelter Appointment-based adoption system allows for socially distant visits.
The Seattle Animal Shelter has several animals available for adoption. In addition to dogs, cats, and small mammals, they also have a snake and a rooster looking for homes.
We will be posting more in-depth articles about Seattle Humane & the Seattle Animal shelters in the coming weeks. Please keep an eye out for more details.

If you or someone you know has a dog-friendly idea on how to celebrate dogs be sure to send us an email and let us know!
Live. Love. WAG! WOOF!
Seattle Pup Magazine