It's officially summer, and the weather is finally starting to act like it! And with the sun comes BBQs and outdoor gatherings. These can be some of the best events to take your pup along to for a puppy play date or to enjoy the open spaces. Seattle pup has pooled some helpful information to keep your pup happy and healthy at these shindigs.
First of all, a BBQ obviously has food-everywhere. So it is important to keep an eye on your pup to make sure they don't get into a bunch of things that can be toxic to them like garlic, onions, and grapes. Keeping food covered instead of open can be very helpful not just at keeping your pet out but also the bugs! A covered garbage can also aide in keeping pests and pets away. Here is the AKC's comprehensive list of what pets can and can not eat, and another from Medical News Today.
Knowing what your pet can safely eat is great! But make sure you also limit the amount. Too much of a good thing could be bad! Treats like human food should never take up more than 10 percent of a pets diet. You may also notice on these lists provided that a lot of the people food that is okay for animals is only safe if it is unseasoned. Many seasonings are toxic to pets, so if you want to prepare some meat or veggies for the four-legged guests, be sure to keep it free of seasoning (including marination) and on the top rack (so seasoned meats don't drip onto them).
Another obstacle present at a BBQ is other guests feeding your pup. This can be a difficult situation to avoid. Being prepared beforehand with a plan that you share with the whole group is the best tactic. You could have a bowl or container on the picnic table that has dog-safe human food or even dog treats that people can give your pup. This makes it easier to portion the amount of treats your dog gets. Once the bowl is empty, put your pup's normal dry dog food in it. This way they feel like they are getting treats when they are actually getting their normal dinner!

If your plan is to avoid human food altogether for your pup, you can always have some special treats made at one of Seattle's fabulous dog bakeries. A few options are The Seattle Barkery, Puddles Barkery, and Downtown Dog Lounge Bakery.
Apart form food, be sure to keep your pup cool with plenty of water and shade, as well as a safe and comfortable place for them to retreat to if they are overwhelmed by other guests or pups or just need a break from being social. And if you're traveling away from home for a BBQ/event, make sure you know the number of the local vet in case you need it in a hurry. Stay safe, keep your pup safe, and have a fantastic summer!
Article by Wendi Black
July 2022
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